You can make a difference. When you give to The Safe Space Foundation (TSSF), you're not just donating to an organization—you're helping to improve the lives of thousands of people affected by sexual violence.
Your donation is guaranteed and goes into helping someone in need of support, your support helps TSSF provide services that meets the needs of survivors and allow us provide effective services in our educational programs
Want to raise money to support our programs? Join a network of volunteer supporters from across the country, who also want to support survivors of sexual violence.
There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. There are as many ways to get involved as there are willing volunteers. Whether you have five minutes, five days, or five months, there's a path for you to make a difference in the lives of survivors of sexual violence.
No matter how you choose to get involved, know that every bit counts.Join now and make an impact!